mimage shortcode installation

Posted on July 4, 2023 (Last modified on August 24, 2023) • 1 min read • 213 words
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Information on how to install the mimage shortcode

Installation to a site using the Hinode template

If you want to use the mimage shortcode in your Hugo site, using the Hinode template, just copy the following files from the Myrthos repository to your site, using the same folder structure and filenames:

  • /layouts/shortcodes/mimage.html
  • /layouts/partials/assets/mimage.html
  • /layouts/utilities/mGetImage.html
  • /assets/scss/components/_mimage.scss

Also edit /assets/scss/app.scss and add the line @import "components/mimage.scss"; to the file, so that the classes are added.

After that the mimage shortcode can be used.

Installation to a site not using the Hinode template

If you want to use the mimage shortcode in your Hugo site, which is not based on the Hinode template, there might be some issues, because of the dependencies that the mimage shortcode has.

The first dependency is Bootstrap. In /layouts/partials/assets/mimage.html bootstrap classes are used. This means that either Bootstrap needs to be made available on your site, or the dependency on Bootstrap needs to be removed, by reworking the bootstrap classes in /layouts/partials/assets/mimage.html.
It should also be noted that the ratio parameter of the mimage shortcode is dependent on the Bootstrap ratio classes.

The second dependency is that the _mimage.scss file, requires a processor  to compile it into CSS classes. Alternatively, it is not very difficult to manually convert the _mimage.scss into an mimage.css file or use an online converter.

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