mstyle usage

Posted on August 24, 2023 (Last modified on August 25, 2023) • 1 min read • 154 words
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Description on how to use the mstyle shortcode

mstyle shortcode

The source code of the mstyle shortcode is located in layouts/shortcodes/mstyle.html.
The purpose of this shortcode is to allow for a limited set of styling functionality that can be applied to markdown text.


The mstyle shortcode supports the below parameters.

classThe class or classes that are to be applied.

The mstyle tag is to be used as follows:

{{< mstyle "class1 class2 class3" >}}The text to style{{< /mstyle >}}  
{{< mstyle class="class1 class2 class3" >}}The text to style{{< /mstyle >}}  

Any existing class can be used.


This is text using subscript: H{{< mstyle "sub" >}}2{{< /mstyle >}}O.

This is text using subscript: H2O.

This is text using superscript: I{{< mstyle "sup" >}}2{{< /mstyle >}}C.

This is text using superscript: I2C.

This is {{< mstyle "small" >}}small{{< /mstyle >}} text that can also be {{< mstyle "small underline" >}}underlined{{< /mstyle >}}.

This is small text that can also be underlined.

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